Inventory Boss

The Important Role of Historical Sales Data in Ecommerce Inventory Management

The Important Role of Historical Sales Data in Ecommerce Inventory Management

The Important Role of Historical Data in Ecommerce Inventory Management

Executive Summary

Accurate historical data analysis is vital for effective ecommerce inventory management. Properly identifying and adjusting outliers ensures reliable forecasts of future sales and reliable seasonality indexes (upon which forecast heavily rely upon for accuracy).

This article details the importance of scrubbing/smoothing your historical sales data, using practical steps for outlier adjustment, and the integration of these practices into the Inventory Boss 8-step system. By smoothing out any outliers in the historical sales data for a product,  businesses can rely on their forecasts being accurate, which in turn will help to minimize costs, avoid stockouts, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Imagine you’re running an online store that sells fitness gear. You’ve noticed that sales fluctuate dramatically, sometimes due to seasonal trends and other times due to unforeseen events like a sudden surge in demand after a influencer's endorsement. To manage your inventory effectively, you need to rely on historical data. But this data is only as good as its accuracy. Without properly handling outliers—those unexpected dips and spikes—you risk making poor decisions that could cost you sales and money. In this expanded discussion, we'll delve deeper into the importance of historical data in inventory management, how to handle outliers, and how to apply effective forecasting methods.

Understanding Historical Data in Inventory Management

Historical data forms the backbone of inventory management. It consists of past records of sales, inventory levels, and market trends. By analyzing this data, businesses can predict future demand and make informed decisions about how much stock to order. For ecommerce sellers, who often operate on thin margins, precise forecasting can be the difference between turning a profit and incurring a loss.

The Impact of Outliers on Inventory Forecasting

Outliers can significantly skew your data. Imagine baking a cake: if one of your ingredients is overly concentrated, it can ruin the entire mix. Similarly, outliers can distort your inventory forecasts, leading to overstocking or stockouts.

Identifying Dips and Spikes

Dips: Running Out of Inventory

Imagine your store sells a popular fitness tracker. One month, your sales data shows a sharp dip. Upon investigation, you find that you ran out of stock due to an unexpected surge in demand from a fitness trend. This dip isn’t a reflection of declining interest but a supply issue. If not adjusted, your forecast might suggest reducing future stock, leading to potential sales losses.

Spikes: Coupon Promotions

Conversely, suppose you run a promotional campaign offering a 20% discount on yoga mats. The sales spike during this period doesn’t necessarily indicate a sustained increase in demand. If you don’t account for this outlier, your future forecasts might overestimate demand, leading to overstocking and increased holding costs.

The Importance of Data Scrubbing (Averaging) for Accurate Forecasts

To ensure your forecasts are accurate, you must scrub your historical data of outliers. Here are some practical steps:

Identify Outliers

Use statistical methods or visual inspections to detect anomalies in your data. For instance, you can plot your sales data on a graph to visually spot sudden spikes or dips.

Adjust Data

Replace or smooth out these outliers with more representative values. For example, if you had an exceptionally high sales day due to a one-time event, you might replace this data point with an average of the sales from the month before and after the event. This averaging helps to smooth out the data, making it more reflective of normal sales trends.

Example of Smoothing Outliers

Suppose your fitness gear store experienced a spike in sales in March due to a celebrity endorsement. To smooth this outlier, calculate the average sales from February and April. If February sales were 1,200 units and April sales were 1,300 units, the average would be 1,250 units. Replace the March spike with this average to maintain a more consistent data trend.

Validate Adjustments

Ensure that your data adjustments make sense within the context of your business. If a sudden sales spike was due to a viral marketing campaign, it might be worth noting the context rather than simply adjusting the number.

Methods for Forecasting Using Historical Data (More Smoothing)

Once you have verified your data, there are two popular forecasting methods that use historical data are Exponential Smoothing and the 3-Period Weighted Moving Average. Both methods require clean data to produce accurate forecasts. And, both methods are actually smoothing your data to come up with a proposed forecast. This only goes to emphasize how important it is to verify your data prior to your forecasts. Your forecasting models and your seasonality indexes need good data to give you accurate forecasts into the future.

Exponential Smoothing

This method assigns exponentially decreasing weights to past data points, making the forecast more responsive to recent changes.


Forecast(t+1) = α * Actual(t) + (1-α) * Forecast(t)


  • α (alpha) is the smoothing constant (0 < α < 1)
  • Actual(t) is the actual demand at time t
  • Forecast(t) is the forecasted demand at time t

By giving more weight to recent data, this method quickly adapts to changes in demand patterns. Imagine you’re managing a store that sells trendy athletic wear. By using exponential smoothing, you can quickly adjust your forecasts to account for the latest fashion trends.

3-Period Weighted Moving Average

This method calculates the forecast by applying different weights to the last three periods of data.


Forecast = (0.5 * Demand(t-1)) + (0.3 * Demand(t-2)) + (0.2 * Demand(t-3))

This approach emphasizes recent demand more heavily, making it suitable for products with fluctuating demand patterns. For example, if you sell seasonal items like winter jackets, this method helps you adjust your inventory based on recent sales data more effectively.

Integrating Historical Data Analysis into Inventory Boss 8-Step System

The Inventory Boss 8-step system offers the ecommerce seller unparalleled accuracy in forecasting future sales. However, like any data driven system, it requires that the user pay particular attention to the data prior to "baking it into the cake" of the mathematical models. This really should never be an issue. The Inventory Boss software hightlights the sales data in an easy to visualize graph. The seller can see immediately if there is a dip or spike in the data, and would probably remember the event as well. Inventory managers need to be sure that they are integrating their historical sales data effectively.

Our 8-Step system is very accureate, but like any other system, if the seller fails reveiew their sales data, there can be trouble.

The Inventory Boss 8-step system can integrate historical data analysis effectively:

Step 1 – The Reorder Point (When to Make Your Next Order)

The reorder point is critical in ensuring you don't run out of stock or overstock your inventory. Accurate reorder points depend on the correct calculation of lead time, daily demand, and safety stock. Improperly smoothed data can significantly impact this step by giving inaccurate demand signals. For instance, if historical data isn't cleaned of outliers, you might set reorder points too high or too low, leading to stockouts or excess inventory.

Step 2 – Demand Forecast

Demand forecasting relies heavily on clean historical data. If outliers are not smoothed, your forecast could be skewed. For example, a one-time sales spike might be misinterpreted as a trend, leading to overstocking. Conversely, a temporary dip due to stockouts could lead to under-ordering. Using accurate, clean data helps ensure your forecasts reflect true demand patterns, allowing for better inventory planning.

Step 3 – Seasonality Index

Building a seasonality index requires accurate historical data to identify genuine seasonal patterns. If outliers are not addressed, the seasonality index might overestimate or underestimate certain periods. For example, unsmoothed data from a holiday sale can distort the index, causing inaccurate adjustments for future stock levels during those periods. Properly smoothing outliers ensures your seasonality index accurately reflects typical seasonal fluctuations.

Step 4 – Manual Adjustments

Manual adjustments are based on knowledge of upcoming events or market changes. If your historical data is inaccurate, these adjustments might be miscalculated. For instance, a misinterpreted trend could lead to incorrect adjustments for an upcoming sales event. Ensuring clean, accurate data helps in making informed manual adjustments that reflect real market conditions and expected events.

Step 5 – Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

The EOQ helps balance order costs and holding costs. If the historical data used to calculate EOQ is inaccurate, it can lead to inefficient order sizes. For example, if demand variability isn't accurately represented, you might overestimate or underestimate the optimal order size, leading to higher costs. Clean data ensures the EOQ calculation is based on realistic demand patterns, optimizing order quantities.

Step 6 – Consolidated Shipping

Consolidated shipping benefits from accurate reorder points and EOQ calculations. Inaccurate historical data can disrupt this process by causing misalignment in order sizes and timings. For instance, unsmoothed data might lead to ordering too much or too little, affecting how well you can consolidate shipments. Proper data handling ensures your consolidated shipping strategies are efficient and cost-effective.

Step 7 – Warehouse Balancing

Warehouse balancing depends on accurate forecasts and reorder points. If historical data is not cleaned, it can result in imbalanced inventory levels across warehouses. For example, overstocking due to a misinterpreted demand spike can increase storage costs, while understocking can lead to stockouts in key locations. Clean data helps maintain balanced inventory levels, optimizing storage and distribution.

Step 8 – Ongoing Refinement

Ongoing refinement of your inventory management process relies on continuous feedback from accurate data. If historical data isn't properly managed, your adjustments and improvements will be based on faulty information. For example, misinterpreting a temporary sales increase as a long-term trend can lead to inappropriate strategy adjustments. Regularly updating and cleaning your data ensures that ongoing refinements are based on accurate, reliable information, leading to better decision-making over time.


Effective inventory management hinges on accurate historical data analysis. By addressing outliers and applying robust forecasting methods, ecommerce businesses can optimize their inventory levels, minimize costs, and maximize customer satisfaction. The Inventory Boss 8-step system, enhanced by these practices, offers a comprehensive solution for managing inventory efficiently.

Ready to enhance your inventory management? Implement these strategies to leverage historical data effectively and visit Inventory Boss for more expert tips and tools. Check out our full guide at Inventory Boss 8 Steps. Don’t miss out on maximizing your inventory efficiency – start today!

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